3 de octubre de 2012


Written by icelandic poet Sjón and icelandic singer Björk / Escrita por el poeta islandés Sjón y la cantante islandesa Björk

Heaven, heaven's bodies
whirl around me
make me wonder

And they say:
back then our universe
was an empty sea
-until a silver fox
and her cunning mate
began to sing
a song that became
the world we know

heaven bodies
whirl around me
make me wonder

And they say:
back then our universe
was a coal-black egg
-until the god inside
burst out and from
its shattered shell
he made what became
the world we know

Heaven, heaven's bodies
whirl around me
make me wonder

And they say:
back then our universe
was an endless land
-until our ancestors
woke up and before
they went back to sleep
they carved it up into
the world we know

Heaven, heaven's bodies
whirl around me
make me wonder

And they say:
back then our universe
wasn't even there
-until a sudden bang
there was light
-was sound
-was matter
and it all became
the world we know

Heaven, heaven's bodies
whirl around me
a dance eternal.

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Perla marina

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